If your turret is about 10% of the mass of your ship, you only need between 5-10% energy storage on it. This is normal and your turret will work correctly even if the energy bar (on the turret) has become completely empty, for when it does, it begins to take the ships energy instead. A good guideline to follow when making turrets is to make generators in proportion to the turret ship size ratio. This happens when the turret stores less energy than the ship.
Starmade capital ship full#
The turret energy bar will look like it's not at full capacity.

Be sure to add Power Reactor Modules to give the turret power. Remember, a turret is just a ship docked on a special block, and to allow a ship to turn effectively, you need enough thrust power. If the AI is online, the problem could be the placement of the turret and/or a lack of thrust. If your turret doesn't attack nearby enemys, make sure that your Bobby AI is online.

You now have a docked turret ready to attack. Now that it's docked, you can activate it (you can not set activate to on as long as you are in the ship core. Now enter the ship and use the Ship Core docking feature (usually on 0) to connect it to the turret docking system. Place the AI Module and set it to but keep active off for the moment. To create a turret, you'll need a turret docking port. Therefore, you can use them to attack and to act as counter measures or decoys for enemy turrets. An advantage of dropping many small ships off is that enemy base and ship turrets will target them instead of targeting your faction ships. Within 500 meters should be fine, closer if the enemy has a large and slow ship. It's important to drop the AI ships close to the enemies because of their limited range. Once undocked, the ships will quickly target enemies in range. If some ships didn't undock correctly, you will need to try and undock them again. When dropping ships, zoom out and make sure they are undocked. drop 9, set numbers for the other ships you have, then drop them off. If you have more than 9 AI ships, you will need to drop them in waves i.e. There, you will need to assign numbers from 1 to 9 to your AI ships. Once you have all the ships docked, you need to enter your mothership and go to Weapons menu. When you dock an AI ship to your mothership, you will need to activate its faction module and set the AI to target and mode. The ship will need its own power generation system. They need shields, thrusters and an adequate docking system. They do not need any armor or even cannons - ships with no armor are faster, more agile and are more maneuverable. Motherships are used to transport drop ships and drones. When you have a ship which can do all of these things, you will now need a mothership: